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  • OTR-AC
  • N.A.
  • C21H16F3N3O4
  • 431.36
  • 98.0%
  • White powder
  • 1kg/bag 25kg/drum
  • Gain muscle and lose fat

Product introduction

 OTR-AC, also known as MK-2866 Ester, is MK-2866 (Ostarine) that has undergone esterification (the process of combining an organic acid with an alcohol). This chemical process is used to maximize a substance's potency and increase half-life (the time it takes for an amount to decrease to half its initial value). Due to this process, the ester version of ostarine has ten times the ability to retain biological activity. This in turn achieves further benefits, as an ester version of the selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) Ostarin, OTR-AC is more potent and lasts longer. By attaching to a protein in the body called the androgen receptor, it stimulates the formation of muscle tissue. This in turn increases muscle mass and strength.


 (1) High purity: OTR-AC can obtain high-purity products through refined manufacturing processes. High purity means better bioavailability and fewer adverse reactions.
 (2) Safety: OTR-AC is a natural product that has been proven to be safe for the human body. Within the dosage range, there are no toxic side effects.
 (3) Stability: OTR-AC has good stability and can maintain its activity and effect under different environments and storage conditions.

Application areas

OTR-AC acts as a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), which means it acts selectively on muscle tissue and bone tissue in the body without affecting other organs and tissues. It enhances muscle mass and physical performance, helping to increase muscle mass and strength while reducing fat content.OTR-AC works with other SARMs to increase muscle mass and strength by stimulating the formation of muscle tissue.In addition to helping to increase muscle mass, OTR-AC has been found to reduce overall body fat. OTR-AC increases by improving lipid metabolism and affecting the release of adiponectin, a hormone that regulates the breakdown of fatty acids Breaking down fat cells, OTR-AC can help stimulate bone formation and prevent bone disease.



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